Hall of Shame
"The sound of people having fun."
Pickleball players face criticism from residents primarily due to the noise the sport brings to neighborhoods.
Stubbornly dismissive, players will advise residents to adjust to the noise or move.
Others have argued that noise is an inherent part of outdoor activities and that pickleball offers significant health benefits and should override the noise concerns.
Image courtesy of Danny Lauer
The following comments are from pickleball players, compiled from public sources and social media.
“Get a life!!! Is not even loud!!! If you don’t like it, sell it & go away!”
“if u can't beat them, join them, go play.”
“There are millions of people with no place to live at all and people are concerned about people who live near parks. One thing I will never worry about is someone who has a place to live. They can listen to us all play pickleball and be happy that they aren't sleeping in a shelter. Spoiled trash. These complainers disgust me.”
“20 or 30 yards away, one can hardly hear it!”
“If you live by a park there will be noise. When we went before the board to get courts approved there was a lady who had moved in recently complaining about teens making noise playing basketball.”
“I just don't have the mental capacity to be bothered by the noise from Pickleball... Feels like a trivial, first world problem.”
“What about outdoor sports arenas near people’s homes that include parking nightmares, whistles, air horns, screaming parents and kids, garbage, the list can go on and on. That seems to be okay with everyone!”
“Learn to play, make some friends in your retirement, and be thankful you have a great social/fitness area adjacent to your home!”
“The moment they knew about the construction, they should have sold. No brainer.”
“I would get a fountain that makes gurgling noises and has a good outdoor speaker where you can play your favorite tunes. Probably won’t hear the noises then.”
“some people will never be happy.”
“Should have never moved in by a park if they wanted quiet.”
""Good neighbors keep their noise to themselves. It's just the type of treatment that you would like to receive yourself." "
Les Blomberg, Noise Pollution Clearinghouse
“And everybody likes the sound of a good whack when they hit the ball. Relieves aggression.”
“some people have a miserable life and want everyone to be miserable with them.”
“I would rather see people outside enjoying themselves than a bunch of illegals sleeping in the neighborhood and drug dealers.”
“This is an amazing opportunity for you! Go buy some paddles and enjoy this great sport. Your cardio fitness will thank you.”
“You purchased a home that backs to a park and are acting like you own the park land. If it bothers you, you will need to put in some trees for a sound barrier.”
“People complain about the noise but seem to be fine with yipping dogs.”
“Are you going to get cancer from the noise?”
“if its not the balls and/or paddles sounds, it will be the music playing on the courts! -or the sound of laughter from all the people having fun!”
“I choose a glass half full perspective in life and a new park with pickleball players outside is an easy thing for anyone to acclimate to. I encourage you to do the same!
“Everyone in the community needs to work together so pickleball and tennis can co-exist.”
“you’re hypersensitive.”
"you bought a house by a park."
"what about leaf blowers? It's less noise then kids playing basketball."
"you're just a lonely senior who has nothing better to do but to complain about people having fun."
"join us, you'll learn to love the sound."
“you are denying me my right to exercise and stay healthy.”
“the tennis court was under-utilized.”
“Why the hell would anyone want to live with a bunch of old quite people. Sounds like u r already half dead!”