Hot Spot Map
Hot Spot Map
The Pickleball Noise Hot Spot map shows noise nuisance locations
The Pickleball Noise Hot Spot map shows noise nuisance locations
Collected from members of our Facebook group and media reports.
Collected from members of our Facebook group and media reports.
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Click on the top left icon to open a list of the Hot Spot on this map
Download a PDF summary of Hot Spots by State
To add a pickleball noise Hot Spot in your community, use the report form below or contact us directly
Siting a pickleball court without proper planning is the functional equivalent of planning to create noise problems and community conflicts.
Noise in the neighborhood. A public policy in disarray!
Noise in the neighborhood. A public policy in disarray!
Here is a video recording of the public courts in Falmouth, MA. These courts were closed after an extended lawsuit.
Here is a video recording of the public courts in Falmouth, MA. These courts were closed after an extended lawsuit.
NOTE: If you experiencing significant stress or discomfort due to noise, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss your symptoms and explore potential treatment options.
NOTE: If you experiencing significant stress or discomfort due to noise, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss your symptoms and explore potential treatment options.
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