Pickleball Noise Relief

Our mission is to empower individuals and communities to take action against pickleball noise pollution and protect their quality of life.

What is pickleball noise pollution?

The impact of the pickleball paddle and ball produce up to 900 intense and highly annoying "pops" per hour per court. To learn about this disquieting and harmful noise and why it is causing conflicts and complaints in communities across North America, see Pickleball Noise 101. 

Why is pickleball noise pollution a problem?

Those jarring "pops" prevent neighbors from enjoying peace of mind in their own homes, to which everyone has a right. Residents are reporting a range of health concerns attributed to this troubling source of noise pollution. Learn more in Noise and Health.  

How big is the problem?

The number of Pickleball Noise Hot Spots are growing dramatically, often without notice, permission or input from nearby residents. Check out Our Stories. Sharing information on your noise Hot Spot can raise awareness on how widespread this public health crises problem has become. 

Pickleball Noise Relief is here to help

Pickleball Noise Relief is a grassroots support network.  

If you would like to discuss your specific situation with a volunteer, you can Report a Hot Spot and we will reach out directly in strict confidence. Members of our group have been involved in this issue for years. You are not alone!

What can be done about pickleball noise pollution?

Seeking licensed attorneys to help pickleball noise victims

Pickleball creates environmental pollution when courts are too close to residences. To mitigate this problem people are increasingly seeking legal assistance. If you are a licensed attorney interested in representing pickleball noise victims, you can connect with our Attorney Help Desk for support. We have pleadings, noise reports, experts, and strategies that can help you avoid common pitfalls.

What can you do to help?

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